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Summary about physiognomic fortunetelling

What does physiognomic fortunetelling tell us? 

The answer is simple. It just indicates whether we feel pleased or displeased now and in the future. The appearance of the physiognomic signs does not depend on the personal and social attributes of an individual. For example, a gang member has a good face as long as he feels pleased. If he gets arrested and feels displeased, his face morphs into something bad.

Our faces reflect our state of being, thus they change by the expression of KISHOKU and KESSHOKU in concert with changes in it. Forecast of our feeling strangely appears around TENCHU, TENTEI and HAKA area.

Always check the complexion of the hairline. This announces our future in advance. The physiognomic fortunetelling only announces our situation beforehand, so we, ourselves, have to consider and take measures to solve future problems before they manifest.

now pleased = shining between the eyebrows

We usually read our future 6 month ahead according to the complexion at TENCHU and TENTEI. (* our present feeling is read at INDO.) With shiny complexion at TENCHU and TENTEI, we will have a good luck 6 months later even if we are now in trouble. Conversely, we will experience difficulties if we see a dirty complexion there.

Exceptionally, when an entire face shines without any cloudiness, he/she simply falls into the bottom of life from the height of his/her prosperity.For example, there was a guy called King of finance, who was saying that making tons of money is just like a piece of cake, in his prime. In 1997, after the burst of the economic bubble, he went bankrupt and became penniless.

Nothing in the world is just light or shadow. Everything is composed of the two at once. A completely shining face may seem good, but it is actually hazardous.

The physiognomic fortunetelling functions with the premise that there are guardian angels that protect us.

The physiognomic fortunetelling is …

“The Physiognomic fortunetelling” is “Physiognomy”, so to speak. Since the facial parts such as the eyes, nose and lips have a strong basis in genetics, it is not enough to tell our fortune only by using them.

Physiognomic fortunetelling (= physiognomy) has specialized techniques like GASOU, KISHOKUSEN, KESSHOKU.

Description of the photo: oblique white line = KISHOKUSEN, Male face mark in the circle The subject image is a different person from the face mark in the circle. They know each other. The signs tell that the subject person is bringing some kind of good news to the guy of the face mark.
We call the small face mark like the one in the circle “GASOU”. GASOU appears not only on the cheek but also on the temple area, the forehead and so on.

GASOU of your love interest appearing at the temple area tells you his/her true feeling about you. The forehead is a spot for the future. If a GASOU appears on the forehead, that person is somehow related to your future.

Science has not figured out yet what makes a GASOU. However, anyone with knowledge about physiognomy sees the same face when it is recognized. It can be also photographed.

My physiognomic mentor told me that everyone has a guardian angel and it pays attention to what is going on in order to protect us. The guardian angel informs us by KISHOKU when it finds some significant information. Aggregation of KISHOKUs becomes a GASOU.

I was deeply amazed when I recognized a GASOU with my own eyes. Before then, I had not believed anything that is invisible like spirit or soul. The GASOU that I found for the first time was a twisted face of my father. Because of that, I realized that spirits surely exist. This was the most useful experience in my life.

Physiognomic fortunetelling is very simple. The interpretation is immediate because we just read signs on the face.


Three factors of physiognomic fortunetelling

Factor 1) Shape of face / Parts such as eye, ear / Mole

Based on what we are searching for, we know where to look in the face. Each part of the face has its own physiognomic significance. The GASOU of love affair appears only around the temple area, never on the chin. The mole is like a traffic light on the face. It is just a supplement for any interpretation.

Factor 2) KESSHOKU/KISHOKU/Red dot such as pimple and blemish as message from guardian angels

Aggregation of KISHOKUs is GASOU. We can find our past, present and future in GASOU and KISHOKU. When you learn to interpret the future, you are initiated into the masteries of physiognomy. There are false GASO-ish marks called “Unique color”, which should be ignored for interpretation. A red dot is prior notice of trouble.

Factor 3) Covering

 Covering is compensating for disadvantage of face like weak-eyed people wear glasses to compensate for bad eyesight. This branches off from physiognomic fortunetelling, but I necessarily mention it for improving our luck. 

Yasuko’s hypothesis about identity of Guardian angel

Everyone wants to know beforehand how we are going to feel in the future. We can know it just by observing our face, not by our intuition or inspiration. 

I tentatively use the words‘guardian angel’in this web site. Actually, there is a sort of system in our brain to survive, which I believe is the true identity of guardian angels. This system projects our state and future on the face as a screen.

By reading the face, anyone is capable of drawing the same conclusion as long as he/she has knowledge about physiognomy. Today the signs on the face can be photographed, but it will still take quite a while to prove the function of guardian angels with high-tech devices.

 Aren’t the old books of physiognomy accurate?!

There were more fortunetellers who could see and interpret GASOU and KISHOKUSEN 50 years ago. They kept their techniques secret. Furthermore, instead of just only Japanese faces, now we also see a lot of foreign faces in Japan and in television unlike before.

Although anyone can see the same signs on the face, the perspective and philosophy of each person are projected at the stage of interpretation. As a result, the culture and era should be considered even if a great master had done the interpretation. The morals and laws today are quite different from what they used to be in early Showa period of Japan. 

I hope more and more people in the world will know the aspects of modern physiognomic fortunetelling through this web site.

*Additional Notes

Small faces, Big faces and Foreigner faces

Any type of face should be read in the same way. There are often questions regarding the size of the face, which usually depends on the race. The mongoloid race has a big face.

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