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Welcome ― 


   The purpose of making this web site is to let people of the world know about
KIBOUSEN (line of hope) and GASOU of love affair (face mark of love affair) as a part of esoteric techniques in physiognomy.
Regardless of who is reading the face, anyone can draw the same conclusion with knowledge about physiognomic fortunetelling.
I really hope that physiognomic fortunetelling will be turned into the object of scientific study someday.                  


―  ―

Hello, glad to have you here. I’m Yasuko, a fortunetelling enthusiast born in Hiroshima in 1941.
I offered free classes of physiognomic fortunetelling at home for a decade from the age of 40, but I quit as my sight became poorer and I needed convex glasses.
I expected participants in one of my classes to inherit my knowledge about physiognomy and to pass it down to the next generation. However, actually they just wanted me to read their faces.
That’s why I made this web site.

In regard to making the web site, I was advised and supported by a young lady, Ms. Pamera.
Let me thank Ms. Pamera. October 7,2006

*I advised consulters at internet boards of Yahoo, such as ‘physiognomic fortunetelling lovers’ for a decade from the age of 60.
I am happy because many of them came to see GASOU (face mark), which I wanted to tell them before anything else.
I also learnt a lot from my consulters. I thank them all.

*Sometimes my readers ask me to recommend good books for studying physiognomy.
I think old books are difficult and expensive. Because of that, I wrote a modern physiognomic fortunetelling book.

Author: Yasuko
Publisher : Gentosha Renaissance (2007-05-29)
Price: ¥ 1,470 
ISBN : 9784779001390 (4779001390)

This book isn’t published any more since the agreement was terminated in 2011.
On the other hand, the publishing company still seems to have some stocks and puts them up on Amazon.

 Acknowledgment to translator

Physiognomy is an excellent fortune telling method which has existed in Japan since a long time ago.
Just observing your face, you can know if your wish will be realized or how your love interest thinks about you.
I strongly hope that people of the world know about the existence of physiognomy. I even wish physiognomy will be an object of scientific research.
Fortunately, my friend, Ms. K translated the summary of physiognomy fortune-telling in the website into English. She also wrote an e-mail to Dr. Standish in an American University.
This e-mail is posted below.
Now I thank Ms. K for her great effort with gratitude.


Dear Dr. Leanna J. Standish
I am writing to you because I was deeply impressed by your research in the feature program about paranormal phenomenon, which was broadcasted by NHK BS on 01-18-2014 in Japan. I believe that I may be of assistance to you.

My name is YASUKO I am 72 years old living in Hiroshima, Japan. I am an expert in physiognomy. Giving the physiognomic fortune-telling seminars and offering consultation to many people with my special knowledge in a forum content on Yahoo Japan, I have been involved in physiognomy for over 30 years. My book is published by GENTOSHA Renaissance publishing company.

The physiognomic fortune-telling is used to read a current situation and foresee a future up to 6 months in advance by a variety of signs appearing on the face. We consider the signs to be color, burnish, line, marking, etc. And it is also important to check which part of the face they appear on, for example, forehead, cheek, eye area, jaw, etc.

The signs on the face are made by a precognition and a feeling sent from another person. So the essence of physiognomic fortune-telling is psychic and telepathic.

By using the rules of physiognomy, anyone is capable of predicting the future of a person and that prediction will always be the same regardless of who reads it. This is the biggest difference between physiognomy and other fortune-tellings. Moreover, the signs on the face can be photographed.

Now here are 2 examples;


Telepathy relating to love affairs can be clearer to understand. For example, boy A falls in love with girl B and gets engrossed in her. Then this feeling of his is sent to her (via telepathy), which creates a sign on her temple area. In this case, the sign appears as boy A's face on girl B as a face marking. (called GASOU in physiognomy in Japanese).

The feeling of A toward B is reflected exactly on the GASOU (face marking).
hen passionately in love = GASOU very smiley and looking inward

When lying(the attachment①)=GASOU with eyes and mouth placed on the opposite sides

When cheating(the attachment②)= GASOU crooked with misplaced facial parts

When in hesitation(the attachment③)=GASOU with overlapping faces looking inward and outward

The Attachment④= GASOU of a husband's mistress on his wife's face

The GASOUs are photographed in the attachments⑤⑥⑦.
There are GASOUs in the circles. (The temple area photographs shouldn't be sent now because of privacy about love affairs.)

※The nose is considered the center of the face that the GASOU appears on.
When the GASOU looks to the nose side, this GASOU is looking inward.
When the GASOU looks to the ear side, this GASOU is looking outward.

The stronger a person A thinks of another person B, the bigger or clearer this sign (GASOU) appears on another person's (B's) face.

In addition, when the female is in love, her left temple area turns pink. In the case of the male, his right temple area turns pink.
And when someone loves the female, her right temple area turns pink.
When someone loves the male, his left temple area turns pink.
So when they are in love with each other, both sides of their temple area turn pink. We can easily find the color on the face even though we can't see GASOU.

2. Precognition

By physiognomy, we can foresee the passing or failing results of an exam, or troubles and accidents in the near future. In this case, we usually find lines on the forehead. We check the line's color and where it begins and ends to foresee the future.
When the line is shiny white, something good happens. When it is brown, something unpleasant happens. Furthermore, we foresee the future with facial colors appearing on certain parts of the face.

The attachment⑧=shiny white line with sharpness on his forehead, which means his wish will be realized today or very soon.

The attachment⑨= bleary line on his forehead, which means his wish was realized several days ago.

The attachment⑩=black color appearing like a curtain on the top of his forehead, which means he, himself, or his precious person will be dead.
I observed on TV this face on some American soldiers leaving to fight for the 9.11 matter. Very sad.

The attachment⑪= dirty color appearing on the jaw of many people at the same time, which means they will have a catastrophe and have to evacuate.

Dr. Standish, you have been working on the theme of whether the human consciousness goes though to another person across large distances without saying a word. Though science doesn’t explain yet, this possibility is proven in physiognomy for the signs appearing on the face.

I have briefly introduced the main points of physiognomy in this E-mail.
I am now in the process of translating the main page of my website into Japanese for your perusal. Yet unfortunately this will take some time to complete.

My website has many illustrated examples of physiognomy. If you have Japanese colleagues or associates, you might want to check it out with them now for more details? (http://ninso.aalip.jp/)
I have been strongly hoping that science unriddles the physiognomy fortune-telling some day.
I am willing to do whatever I can help your research. Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions. If it's alright, I would really like to visit you in the US and to demonstrate it in person using your face or your colleagues' as materials.

Thank you for reading this E-mail. I am sure that you will become interested in physiognomy and that my knowledge and experience will contribute to your telepathy research.

I look forward to hearing your reaction.



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